This is Benny. He is a fireman. That is his dream. He has all the gear - the helmet, the foghorn, the fire extinguisher. I love this boy .....
We have followed our dreams. We are engineers, lawyers, electricians, doctors, administrators, teachers. We have all the gear - books, tools, computers.
But, God created us for specific tasks. He gave us the gifts and the charisms we need to carry out our tasks. Have we listened to God and asked what He would like us to do?
At Cana, Blessed Mary said to the servants, "Do whatever He tells you." These are the last words Mary speaks in the bible. They are important. And the message is very clear. Do what Jesus tells you.
How do we know what Jesus wants us to do? We pray and we listen. We ask for promptings from the Holy Spirit. We look for His guidance.
We still follow our dreams - they are as important to us as they are to Benny. But we also need to align ourselves with the path Jesus has chosen for us. "Do whatever He tells you."
Maybe Benny will be a fireman - I hope so. That is his dream. But, every morning in my prayers, I hand over Benny to Jesus' care. I ask Jesus to help Benny find the right path.
And in return, I will take responsibility for helping Benny pick out his socks .....