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  • stirlingcrossbooks

Do your duty .....

Last week, I mentioned that there were three things we can do to ensure that we are placing our trust in God. We must stay in a state of grace, do our duty, and prayer.

What does it mean to do our duty? Trusting in God doesn't mean that we can ignore all things around us. We have a responsibility to look after our family - that means, ensuring they are fed and clothed and sheltered. We must provide for them. We have a responsibility to be our best at school, at work, at home.

We have a responsibility to obey God's rules - that is, the ten commandments. I know the commandments seem high level. None of us have committed murder - but have we killed someone's dream? Find an Examination of Conscience that touches your heart. Keep it close and review it often. I keep St Anthony Mary Claret's Examination of Conscience at my desk.

Do your duty - do what is right in the eye's of God. Look back on your day and see yourself through the lens of God. Call on the Holy Spirit to help you see. Ask, "Did I do my duty today?"

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